Monday 27 April 2009

Nigerian Queens 5

The mopol’s were putting there foot’s down in the compound and on the streets; security was a must in Abuja. The previous night the bad boys made a move against the rear of the compound which was rare in this neighborhood. It was just a check out following shots being fired the night before in the streets in front of the compound next door. I heard shots fired; the security rushed to the back and found nothing. A car in the front warned the intruders in the back to retreat; they were checking out our resolve. The mopol were on edge and some worker got out of line and was stomped down. Justice is quick and immediate in Abuja; bad boys run in gangs of ten, twenty, and sometimes thirty strong, armed to the teeth. I had to be careful of my coming and going; we were on high alert, something was going down. “Hi. Where are you?” it was Omar with her fine self. “I’m ten minutes away. Can I come pick you? We have a date: remember?”she said in that seductive voice that is so irresistible. “Things are in chaos, I got to be careful, come on.” we just had to disappear in the weekend rush. When she drove up in front of the compound she had an angel of delight with her named Rose. I got in back. “Mr. C this is Rose.” It was two against one, “Hi, Rose. How are you doing?” “ I’m good. Omar told me about you and I decided to come along if she needed backup.” I was laughing inside so hard it hurt, “You know kung fu? You strapped?” She asked what strapped was and laughed hard too. “You got ninja skills or you kill with your beauty?” I let the air of that situation and told Omar we need to get on the move. The Assorted is an up scale eatery, professionals have their cars parked there until it closes; assorted might give reference to the multitude of fine Abuja women who frequent the place. It was like we had just dropped in from Mars, the crowd was talking loud, blam; Omar and Rose put a spell on the noise, they rank as topnotch any where on earth. We got in line and ordered, I got a table with clear views all around front and back. I was on razor ALERT. Omar said, “I know what I want for dessert.” Rose said, “Me too.” I felt like a steak in a lions den. I capped back, “I want a double dose of something sweet and hot. Two sugar wugar’s with cream on top.” They burst out laughing; message received loud and clear. Rose was here for the weekend, bored from the college stress. They were both going to school in Benin; an ancient center of learning, still going. The meals got to our table quick, I was starving. Nigerian women are something else if they like you; they both took turns feeding me. I was a little embarrassed but kept it cool. I was being Kinged by two of the baddest women in Abuja; it gets no better than that. I felt honored to be in the service of two flawless queens; I’ll never forget that day. “I want to go to the Hilton, Mr. C., We can have breakfast there: Ok?” Omar looked at Rose, “I want bacon and eggs, Orange juice, sweet bread, and coffee. OK?” I just hit the jackpot; bingo! “What time is it?” I had to say something to throw them off, I was going to the Hilton but we had to pick up boots, a bottle and some water. I paid the tab. They sandwiched me on the way out; I must have been the envy of every man in the Assorted that day. I love women who love back; from the soul. We headed for the Hilton; Abuja’s play ground for the rich and famous. The lights came on as we neared the hotel, it is a huge edifice, traffic backed up around the corner. We had no problem getting a suite but going through the lobby was a blast; these women mesmerized the throngs of partiers and guests; stood out like diamonds on black velvet. Our glasses tingled as the first toast of many that night, “To the good life, to the long life, let me see what you working with?” I knew I was in Touble but I did not care, you only live now. The lights went off, Nepa, when they came back on in less than a minute; I was standing in front of the most dazzling display of womanhood ever put on this world. They rushed me; you know who won?

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